Clean code and reality.
The article examines the question, “is clean code by Robert Martin still matters?” From author’s 16-year coding experience, he writes about reality in writing clean code and its criticism. He acknowledges that t in the end meeting the deadline with functional and bug free code is more important then elegant code following the principle of clean code. However, he argues in the end as a developer, trying to integrate small aspects of clean code into your code base is going to make your skill improve as an engineer in the long run even if many people will not care about it.
I selected this article as it addresses some uncertainty that I had with clean code. All the code I have written feels like I got pressure to deliver functional code as quickly as possible and now I’m supposed to write elegant, maintainable code so I wanted to see the real live example from experience if clean code was that necessary. The author’s real-world experience and practical approach toward the subject made it an interesting topic to delve into deeper.
This article showed that clean code is not something you have to write all the thing following to it, it is about finding the right balance between quality code following the clean code and functional code. I feel like clean code still matters in a bit as we want to write a code in time but needs to make it modular to be abled to be easily refactored for later uses. Not only that, this article advice to start small feels realistic and something I can do to grow as a programmer. The hierarchy of what matters in the software part will be my checklist in the future as it is the basic outline of how the code needs to be structured. When writing code, the working code always comes first, then make it without bug and if there is bug, you should be able to be fixed easily then I will try to add instance of small parts of clean code in. I want to make the code a bit modular because I spent hours trying to refactor code sometimes and finding which part of the code went wrong took a long time because my code was always a mess. Therefore, I feel like idea of clean code by Robert martin is not dead but only small part of it is still alive to become better programmer. As the most important thing for programming is to make software that is easy to maintain, adapt and scale.
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