
Showing posts from December, 2024

Waterfall 2.0

  When looking around the internet, I found that there was waterfall 2.0 version of the waterfall software development methodology that we learned at start of class. After I saw the article, I found out that even the most established practices can transform to meet the demands of new era. Therefore, I chose this article as it provides basic summarization of waterfall 2.0 and the difference between traditional waterfall model. As we talked about why waterfall method was being replaced by agile and scrum, I thought there will be some people who will try to improve and use the old working method so using this article showed me how waterfall transformed to adopt need of current workflow. Therefore, I decided to look into it as a background for finding out about the improved version as it revives the dying method into a new form.              This article uses baking as an example to illustrate the principles of waterfall 2...

Docker and it basics

     Since I use different computers from home, class, and work, after learning from class about docker and setting up the same environment for all the devices, I thought it was time to look into docker more. The article is about what is docker, why it became popular and comparing it with other tools. That is why I choose this article because “Docker overview” by Marsdev gives comprehensive introduction about docker, comparing to virtual machine, use cases and advantage over other tools over the internet. It clearly explains these things easily and detailed make it ideal choice to learn how docker works and its benefits.      The article covers essential components of Docker including Docker Engine, Images, Dockerfiles, Docker Hub, Volumes, Compose, and Desktop and how they work. For example, Docker Engine serves as the backbone of the platform, enabling the creation and management of containers, while Docker Compose allows developers to manage multiple...